Make your gf breaks up with you

Have you ever been in a relationship that you want to end but don't have the balls to break it? Use these mean tips and I assure you your girlfriend will to do the nasty break-up.

10- Don't pick up when she calls, don't text her either
09- Spend all your free time with your friends
08- Don't be nice to her friends
07- No more compliments
06- Wear the colors she hates
05- Don't take her out but ask for sex
04- Make her feel guilty about your relationship
03- Be obssessed with a female celebrity (ex. Scarlett Johansson, Natalie Portman, Megan Fox, etc..)
02- Ask her if she is pregant because you noticed she gained 5lbs ( 2.5 kg)
01- Tell her that you are bisexual.

PS: If all these things don't work, well, move to a different continent because your gf is INSANE!
Next week, I'll post a "How to make your boyfriend break-up with you".


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