Ladies, if your Romeo looks more like a cameo in your life and you too don't have the "balls" to do the nasty break up, here are few tricks for you.
10- Ask for more commitment like being engaged, talk about kids
09- End your sentences by "Because I worth it" and don't forget to smile and to turn your head (watch a Loreal ad)
08- No sex only foreplays, flowers and chocolate
07- Be obssessed with the Jonas Brothers (regardless your age)
06- Take him to your weekly 4 hours shoes-shopping. Ask him to return the shoes the very next day.
05- Don't shave
04- Fake a pregnancy. If he wants to stay and keep the child then fake an abortion
03- Complain, complain, complain again.. and more whining
02- Stalk him, call every hour and text as much as your fingers can. Leave stupid and non-sense messages
01- Tell him you have a crush on his Dad
This time you won't have to move to another continent because these tips will work 100% guaranteed.
Oh God!please no!Jonas Brothers! talk about extreme measures haha!
I think I perfected the reverse break up in high school. The first time I broke up with someone they took it hard and it ended are friendship so I thought if I annoy my bfs they could keep their egos and I could keep my friendship.
In college I was too mature for this so I guess I gained... ball!?!... Ewwhhh!!!That does not sound right.
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